Thursday, February 23, 2012

Student Cabaret Opens Tonight

The Moravian College Theatre Company's (MCTC) third annual student cabaret premieres tonight at 8 p.m. in the Arena Theatre

What exactly is a cabaret?

A cabaret is a grouping of theatrical pieces, ranging from skits and monologues to instrumental performances to full-scale song and dance numbers, that together make up one show.

What's unique about MCTC's student cabaret is that it is completely student run.  This year, the cabaret features over two dozen performers, crew members, and musicians, all of whom are Moravian students.  The student cabaret is also student directed.  This year's student director is Jazzy Thomas '13, who was a cast member in the 2010 and 2011 student cabarets.

Why should you come to the student cabaret?

First of all, because the cabaret is made up entirely of students, you should go to support your fellow students!  they have been rehearsing since September and are now ready to showcase all of their hard work!

Secondly, it's going to be one heck of a show!  Some numbers will have you laughing hysterically while others will tug at your heartstrings.  Also, all the students involved are incredibly talented and are sure to impress all who come.

Finally, admission is FREE!  You read that correctly: there is no charge for tickets!  Instead, donations will be collected during intermission for 88 Keys, which is a fundraiser for Broughal Middle School's music department for a new piano.

What do you need to know?

When:  Thursday, February 23 at 8 p.m.
            Friday, February 24 at 8 p.m.
            Saturday, February 25 at 8 p.m.
            Sunday, February 26 at 2 p.m.

Where:  The Arena Theatre located in the basement of the HUB

Cost:  FREE! (Donations will be accepted for Broughal Middle School's 88 Keys)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

About This Blog

Hello and welcome to “The Moravian Stage”, a blog about the performing arts at Moravian College!

Allow me to introduce myself.  I’m Kayla, your blog host and a junior here at Moravian. 

How did I get into blogging?

I began blogging last fall semester as part of my online journalism class, where I hosted another blog about the arts at Moravian (if you’d like, you can check out my former blog here).  It was a great way to get started in writing for online and I learned a lot in the process.

Then, at the beginning of this semester, I approached the public relations department about becoming a work study student.  When they learned about my blog for the online journalism class, they asked me if I would want to continue blogging as part of my work study and now, here I am!

Why the performing arts?

Well, for starters, I have been involved in the performing arts for most of my life.  I began singing in my elementary school choir in 3rd grade, began dancing at a local studio at age 11, and began community and high school theatre at age 15.  I love the performing arts and cannot imagine my life without them.

My love of the performing arts has continued into college as well.  Here at Moravian, I am actively involved in the performing arts as a member of:
  • The Moravian Choir
  • Vocalis
  • Women’s Chorus
  • The Moravian College Dance Company
  • The Moravian College Theatre Company

In addition, I am a double major in music and journalism, so this blog is the perfect amalgam of both my passions. 

What is the purpose of this blog?

The purpose of this blog is to inform people about the performing arts at Moravian, specifically focusing on the people and events relating to music, dance, and theatre.  In doing so, I hope to get more people involved in the performing arts, whether it be as performers or as an audience members.

So, get ready because the curtain is rising on The Moravian Stage!  Places's show time!